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Study: Swingers Have Better Sex

Study: Swingers Have Better Sex by Katie Herzog  of thestranger.com  • Mar 28, 2018 Social deviant and non-monogamy cheerleader Dan Savage is popping champagne and throwing glitter around the office after the release of a new study that shows he's been right all along. The study, published last week in the Journal of Social and Personal R...
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  8170 Hits

All You've Wanted to Know About Muffing

In 2010, Mira Bellwether wrote "Fucking Trans Women," the first piece of its kind that outlined the sex lives of trans women as an educational and instructional piece of text. In the zine, Bellwether discusses "muffing," a term that describes the act of pushing the testicle back inside of a male-bodied person's inguinal canal or penetrating the ing...
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  9926 Hits

Rules You Didn't Know Were in Place for Swingers

To most "squares," the idea of a swingers party elicits visions of a cramped room full of writhing, sweat-soaked bodies; people uninhibited by "traditional" sexual protocols. But, in reality, a sex party is a finely orchestrated get-together that not only requires a good bit of planning, but quite a few rules too. When you're dealing with a large g...
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  7359 Hits

110 Interesting, Weird, and Surprising Sex Facts

Think you know a lot about sex? Maybe you're right, but there's always more to learn! Here are 110 sex facts you may not know. According to a survey of adults aged 20 to 59, women have an average of four sex partners during their lifetime; men have an average of seven. Source: National Center for Health Statistics According to sex researchers Willi...
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  4729 Hits

3 Ways to Get Kinky When Vanilla Life Intervenes

We all have a million and one other obligations - kids, parents, work, binge-watching Netflix - and they often interfere with our sex lives. Once you discover your kinks – and the fun you can have with them - sometimes you crave a little carnal fun. More sex, please! But real life sometimes seems intent on stopping your kinky fun. What can you do a...
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  4526 Hits

Wanna Act Kinky in Public? Here's How to Do It Incognito

There are a few reasons why someone might want to engage in discrete public displays of kink. While everyone wants to be authentic in their sexual identities, some might be concerned with offending the sensibilities of non-kinksters or afraid of triggering negative reactions. Kink-identifying people might be more concerned with social shaming and r...
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  6243 Hits

Why Edging and Orgasm Control Make for Great Long-Distance Play

As both a writer and an avid reader, a clever turn of a phrase has long been one of my greatest turn-ons. In the days of dating apps and "U awake?" texts, it's harder to get my fix of the written word. That's one of the reasons that I love long-distance play. Although long-distance relationships come with their own challenges, they do force you to ...
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  5078 Hits

Oral Advice For Straight Women From Gay Men

Everyone carries with them their own unique advantages. For the gay community, their advantage is undoubtedly mastering oral sex. Not only are they on the receiving end, they're on the giving end. Straight women, on the other hand, no matter how much they might perform the act, will never compare to a gay man. It's not because one gender is better ...
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  4474 Hits

Lingam Massages Are Guaranteed To Make Your Man Climax In An Instant

To be honest, it's not that difficult to make a guy orgasm. It takes work, that's for sure. But that's the case with anybody during sex. The orgasm doesn't just flow on its own, so to speak. However, that's not to say you can't get creative. There's a technique called the lingam massage, and it's about to become your man's new best friend. Its func...
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  3451 Hits

Kinkly's 14-Day Sex Challenge - Are You Up for It?

What if we told you that better sex was possible in just 14 days' time? Actually, it is – if you're willing to put in the time and effort. You're up for it, right? After all, a big part of keeping your sex life hot and healthy has to do with learning more about yourself, learning more about your partner and just making an effort. Valentine's day is...
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  4549 Hits

All of Your Most Pressing Pubic Hair Questions, Answered

For something that occupies such a tiny plot of land on the body, there's a lot of concern given to the upkeep of pubic hair. A recent Cosmopolitan.com survey indicates that 62 percent of female respondents groom their pubes at least weekly. Your pubic hair is something relatively few people see, yet it raises so many questions. What's trendy for p...
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  3898 Hits

A Big Butt Is A Healthy Butt: Women With Big Butts Are Smarter And Healthier

It turns out a nice, robust derriere is more than just a $exual attraction turn on, but an actual indicator of increased intelligence, and an indicator for chronic illness resistance! This interesting news comes straight from scientists from the University of Oxford who found out these remarkable traits exist with women who have big butts. Turns ou...
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  4620 Hits

Study Reveals How Men Really Feel About Their Genitals

Let's be real for a minute. Many men love talking about their penises. How big they are, how well they perform ... and how much bigger they are than their buddies'. Why all the obsession with the beef stick? It's probably as simple as the fact that it's not as elusive as the lady bits are, which makes it easier to measure and compare. And compare t...
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  3237 Hits

I Went To A Clothing-Optional Resort With My Partner & I Felt Closer To Him Than Ever Before. (NSFW)

A few months ago, I received an invitation to write a piece on the travel trend of clothing-optional resorts by going to three with my partner: Desire Riviera Maya Pearl Resort, Desire Riviera Maya Resort, and Temptation Cancun Resort in Mexico. I know, I have the best job ever. Naturally, I emailed the PR rep back with a "yes" within an hour, and ...
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  7315 Hits

From Hedonism to KinkBNB, Sex-Themed Vacations Are Going Mainstream (NSFW)

Aside from an occasional towel, you'll be hard pressed to find a stitch of fabric on the hundreds of people lounging in and by the pool at this Jamaican resort. For the most part, people congregate in groups in the water or the swim-up bar, chit-chatting and swapping stories as any vacationers might, though perhaps with a bit more revelry and boist...
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  6666 Hits

10 Things You Didn't Know About Foreplay

If there's any aspect of sex that's misunderstood, debated about and often under-appreciated, it's foreplay. But while many people think of foreplay as preamble, a required formality you have to go through before getting to the good stuff, it is great foreplay that sets the stage for great sex. Think of it like kicking off a meal at a fancy restaur...
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  4350 Hits

5 Awesome Things We Learned About Sex in 2017

The more of it I read, the more I am fascinated with sex research. It takes courage to be a sex researcher: you need to convince people to participate - and convince funding agencies to help pay for it all. Because sex is still such a big taboo, both these things are more difficult than it seems. I'm fairly lucky to live in Canada, where sex resear...
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  4005 Hits

Threesome Expert And Adult Film Star Explain The Basics Of Having A Threesome Yourself (NSFW)

If you ask most people what their number one sexual fantasy is, chances are they'll say a threesome. Very few people in this world have actually turned down the opportunity to have a threesome, but once they get down to business, they might be surprised to find out there are some rules that come with having threesomes. Here, threesome expert and ad...
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  6617 Hits

Why Every Woman Should Do A Nude Photoshoot

Nude photoshoots are getting more popular than ever before, and it's really no surprise. In the times of nude selfies, sexting, and Instagram modeling, being naked has never been more glamorous or more appreciated. The problem with nude photos is that most people think that they are something that only the super thin, youthful, and glitzy models of...
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  6395 Hits

Women Reveal Their Preferences For Male Pubic Hair

What's sexier than variety? When men strip down to their birthday suits in front of women, they're met with either intrigue, perplexity or fear. These are the core birthday suit reactions. It's science. But these reactions aren't always so much directed toward the man's member, but the forest (or lack thereof) surrounding said member. Pubic hair co...
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  7874 Hits

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