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I Went Inside The Secret World Of Suburban Swingers

I wanted to find out what it is about swinging that keeps happily married women in the lifestyle. "I kissed a girl and I liked it..". so go the lyrics of Katy Perry's classic song. And apparently, she's not the only one. Some married women like it, too — a lot. It's what piqued their interest in "the lifestyle" and locked them in for life. The same...
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  10347 Hits

Women Reveal Their Preferences For Male Pubic Hair

What's sexier than variety? When men strip down to their birthday suits in front of women, they're met with either intrigue, perplexity or fear. These are the core birthday suit reactions. It's science. But these reactions aren't always so much directed toward the man's member, but the forest (or lack thereof) surrounding said member. Pubic hair co...
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  7954 Hits

8 Sex Tips Straight Guys Can Learn From Lesbians

According to a recent study, lesbians have more orgasms than straight women. So I think we can safely assume straight guys could stand to learn something about pleasing women from their lady-loving counterparts. Cosmopolitan.com gathered some sex tips from lesbians to send to your boyfriend for all the orgasms. 1. Get out of bed already. Chairs, ki...
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  5028 Hits

Asking for It: 7 Tips to Getting the Sex Life You Always Wanted

There are loads of statistics about how women tend not to ask for what they want and need. Not in academic settings, not in the boardroom and, although no one's talking about it, we know this one applies in the bedroom too. Actually, to be fair, research suggests that the vast majority of people undercommunicate when it comes to sex, even in long-t...
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  3732 Hits

For Better Orgasms, Flex This Muscle

We all know that staying in shape keeps us healthy and predicates good sex in a number of ways - you look sexy, you feel happier, etc. But what about toning your body from the inside? As it turns out, women especially have some important sexual muscles they should be flexing if they want a healthy sex life. In 1952, Dr. Arnold Kegel invented a seri...
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  4161 Hits

Sex After 50: It's Time to Change Things Up

Several months ago I decided, at the is-it-too-late age of 61, to step away from the idea of finding that one perfect mate who could satisfy all my dreams, give me everything I needed, and be by my side for the rest of time. In other words, I've abandoned the fairy tale and am opting for honest and open relationships. I'm having a blast. I'm dating...
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  4423 Hits

What Men & Women Really Want Out Of Their Sex Lives, According To Science

We tend to assume that women don't have as much of a desire for sex as men or that female arousal is some kind of eternal mystery that no scientist — let alone the rest of us mere mortals — could ever really decode. But thankfully, none of that is true.  In the actual research, "we don't see the kind of gender differences people assume exist,"...
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  6162 Hits

Don't Let Self-Consciousness about Your Aging Body Keep You From Having Great Sex

"The most common sexual concerns of women of all ages include loss of sexual desire, problems with arousal, inability to achieve orgasm, painful intercourse, negative body image, and diminished sexual desirability and attractiveness." Sexual Function in Elderly Women: A Review of Current Literature, archives of National Institutes of Healtfh . We a...
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  3537 Hits

Why I Hate How the Mainstream Media Portrays Sex Parties

  Before going to sex parties myself, I envisioned them to be filled with some strange subset of women who were ridiculously horny and obviously somehow damaged. Because what self-respecting woman would agree to go to a sex party, right? Clearly, I had issues. My perspective was based on a combination of shit my mum drilled into my head about ...
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  4825 Hits

The 5 Types of Vaginas that Make Up All the Vaginas in the World

You thought that there was only one type of vagina? Think again. In fact, there are five different types of vaginas that you need to know about.As someone who has a vagina, I was pleasantly surprised by learning that there were five types of vaginas. If you're a female, you've probably spent some time staring in the mirror, thinking, is my vagina n...
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  4421 Hits

Women Open Up About How They Really Feel About Anal Sex

  Women Open Up About How They Really Feel About Anal Sex Anal sex is a great way to keep things interesting in the bedroom, but it's safe to say that it's not for everyone. While some really love it, others find themselves completely put off by it. For the most part, men seem to be the most into it, but how do women really feel about it? Here...
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  5524 Hits

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