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I Married A Swingers Club Owner

I had to come to terms with what I thought was "proper behavior."   What does a traditionally raised Midwest girl have in common with a swinger? More than you would think... a lot more. My introduction to the swinging lifestyle began several years ago after my second divorce. I was slowly coming to terms with being single after decades of marr...
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How to Last Longer in Bed, According to Male Porn Stars

By Mark Hay  | Jul 26 2018 Advice from pros on how to avoid being a One Minute Man.   Thanks to cheap sitcom jokes, the marathon power poundings of porn, and a host of other cultural and societal pressures, many men worry about not lasting long enough in bed. Lasting as long as Kanye West, they learn, is a perquisite for good sex and self...
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Long-married couple wonders if being 'swingers' is for them

DEAR ABBY: My wife and I have been married for years. We married young, and I'm the only man she has been with. Although we seem to have a good sex life, she's now saying she wants more. She wants to experiment and is suggesting we try a "swinging" lifestyle — a threesome or foursome — swapping partners. I think she wants to experience a stronger, ...
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Kinkly's 14-Day Sex Challenge - Are You Up for It?

What if we told you that better sex was possible in just 14 days' time? Actually, it is – if you're willing to put in the time and effort. You're up for it, right? After all, a big part of keeping your sex life hot and healthy has to do with learning more about yourself, learning more about your partner and just making an effort. Valentine's day is...
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13 People Reveal What It's Really Like To Be A Swinger

What's it like being a swinger? How do they handle other people sleeping with their significant other? Do they feel turned on, insecure or downright jealous? We turned to Reddit to look for these answers and what we found was an entire community of swingers, all of whom were more than happy to disclose the many secrets of their lifestyle. Here, we ...
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6 Not-So-Sexy Things That Lead to Better Sex

One of the secrets of a better sex life is having more sex. (Practice makes perfect!) Yet, aside from this obvious wisdom, is there anything not sexy that you can do that actually improves your sex life? Sure. Plenty. Here are a few suggestions. Get Therapy Particularly for long-term couples, therapy has plenty of benefits. Talk therapy can help to...
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  3306 Hits

9 Simple Things to Do Right Now for Better Sex

There are those who would have you believe that the secret to a great sex life lies in expensive , complicated contraptions and accessories. Sure, a sex swing or a gold-plated anal plug (yes, they exist) might put some spice in the bedroom. But let's be honest: They're just objects, and while they might play a role in helping you find sexual fulfil...
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  3658 Hits

Sexual Positions to Impress Your Man: 10 Moves to Rock His World

Whether your sex life is lackluster or you need a change of pace, wow your guy in the sack with these 10 awesome  sexual positions to impress your man. When it comes to sex it's all about variety, comfort, experimenting, and fun. It's so easy in any relationship to f all into a bit of a pattern. If you both have busy lives outside the bedroom ...
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  6960 Hits

8 Ways You're Sabotaging Your Sex Life

It's not easy to have great sex, but it's even harder if you're doing these things. Yes, it's possible you're kind of ruining your own sex life, but the good news is there may be an easy fix. Cosmopolitan.com spoke with Madeleine Castellanos M.D., author of Wanting to Want: What Kills Your Sex Life and How to Keep It Alive, to help you figure out y...
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Zodiacs Ranked From The Best Flirts To The Most Painfully Awkward Flirts

​ 1. Scorpio Scorpios are smooth AF. They can hold a conversation with anybody they meet — but they don't give too much away during the first interaction in order to keep the mystery alive. To keep people interested. And a lot of people are interested in Scorpios. There's something about them that naturally draws attention. 2. Virgo Virgos use thei...
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