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Lingam Massages Are Guaranteed To Make Your Man Climax In An Instant

To be honest, it's not that difficult to make a guy orgasm. It takes work, that's for sure. But that's the case with anybody during sex. The orgasm doesn't just flow on its own, so to speak. However, that's not to say you can't get creative. There's a technique called the lingam massage, and it's about to become your man's new best friend. Its function is to just make his penis feel as good as humanly possible, and it's all by your doing. So, if you want to help him get his rocks off, you've come to the right place. Keep reading to learn more about how lingam massages will make your man orgasm climax in an instant.

Something extra
Sex is great, but it can become familiar after a while. Hell, even the act of orgasming, amazing though it may be, can start to feel a little repetitive after a while. It's still pleasurable, mind you, but adding a bit of flavor definitely wouldn't hurt, and is honestly recommended. The only problem is finding something that actually does the trick you're looking for.

A new kind of pleasure.
 Now, instead of leaving yourself to your own devices, there are luckily plenty of people out there well versed in the act of getting people off (or at least in helping people understand how to get people off more successfully than they already do). The secret is just knowing where to look and knowing who to ask.

Classic masturbation is so yesterday. 
Guys start masturbating at fairly young ages. Honestly, once they start playing with their penis, they never stop. So, this is where you step in to show them something new. This is where you enter the picture and introduce to them a little something called the lingam massage — hardly a secret, but also hardly practiced as often as it ought to be.

The lingam massage. 
So, what is the lingam massage? According to MyTinySecrets.com, it's a revolutionary way to make his penis feel as though it just visited a penile retreat for some d*ck-happy R&R. If you've been looking for a way to surprise your partner with something extra special, you really needn't look any further.

Seriously erotic roots
The lingam massage exists on account of ancient tantra, and it exists solely to serve the man and his physical representation of manhood (aka his wiener). Seeing as tantric sex hardly needs any more praise that it already has, it's safe to say that if you're looking for guaranteed results, this is a key location to start at.

The "Staff of Life." 
Translating as the "Staff of Life," the lingam massage is meant to make the male orgasm feel just as spiritual as it is physical. It's about getting your man to feel like he's on another level, sexually-speaking. This isn't your casual rub-and-tug. This is the New Age J.O. technique.

Vulnerable, horny men.
Now, if you want to embark on this trip, then just keep in mind that if your guy isn't willing to lose himself in it, then it's not going to work. He's got to be willing to be vulnerable, and it's your job to get him on the level that you need him to be on. Maybe then, he'll actually be willing.

This is a super safe zone. 
Another element that needs to be fully respected is the concept of safety — and this comes down to you and you alone. He's got to feel as though nothing can hurt him (especially you), and this can be difficult for a lot of guys. So, if you really want to make this work, then you've really got to step up to the plate.

Setting the mood. 
Once he's on board, you've got to really set the mood. You're not doing this just because it's sexy, but it's literally necessary if you want a lingam massage to work the way it's meant to work. For example, the temperature needs to be incredibly comfortable, and it's recommended that you play some soothing music. Listening to traffic or your neighbor next door is just going to ruin the moment.

Before you even get the ball rolling, make sure that you're not just using massage oils, but the right massage oils. Make sure it's warm (not hot), and make sure that it's not anything too fancy. The recommended type is coconut oil. Tends to have the best effect.

Sex coach. 
You'll be reminding him to breathe and relax, and it's your duty to keep him as mentally and physically comfortable as possible. Then put one hand on his chest, and the other on his penis, and lose yourself in his gaze. It may feel awkward at first, but try to invest in his moment.

Moving your fingers.
 This is when the physical, arousing actions take place. You'll start by moving your fingers around his penis and testicles, even lower, nearly to his anus, but not quite on or in it. Let your fingers own the situation before your hand starts entering the picture and becoming a more aggressive stimulant.

 Now, once you start stroking his penis, you're not going to just give him the same H.O. you've been giving since… well, since whenever you first started giving them. You're going to grip his penis, and you're going to stroke it very slowly. While you're stroking, you're also going to squeeze it occasionally.

Experimenting with different styles. 
Once you've gotten through these first stages, you can now get a little more aggressive with your stroking. Just don't forget to maintain the overall vibe. The point is to keep things calm. It's not about him orgasming as quickly as he can. It's about him getting as lost in the moment as humanly possible, which makes it so much more satisfying.

The techniques.
Listen to his body and figure out whether he prefers you to stroke him slow or fast. If you're not sure, you'll know. His body will tell you. Then experiment by moving your hand all over his penis, triggering all of his most sensitive areas, not leaving anything out.


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