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Breaking news bliss cruise under new ownership

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  710 Hits

The After-Hours Playroom Shuffle

On any cruise have you gone to the "play room"? This is a great place for being an exhibitionist, a voyeur or a player. Temptations Cruise will do a great job of turning an ordinary lounge into a den of pleasure. This is a place you come (yes pun intended) to enjoy sex without inviting someone to your room. There are mattresses, cabanas and even co...
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  7863 Hits

Lifestyle Cruising Hacks

Magnets come in handy: Don't underestimate the versatility of this item as it might prove to come in handy during particular situations. For instance, you have to place important documents and invitations where you could easily see them. Just pull out a magnet and place them conveniently at a location where you can find them right away. Most of you...
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  3918 Hits

Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Swingers Cruises

By CARRIE DENNIS  Published On 03/17/2015   Updated 3/24/2019  Imagine, if you will, cutting through the pristine waters of the Caribbean Sea on a luxury ocean liner, while watching Goddess Phoenix and her slave boy cause a scene in a dungeon constructed in a re-purposed conference room, right before you have sex with multiple people...
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  9967 Hits

Tips for Lifestyle Cruise Virgins for the Best First Cruise

By: Lady Suzanne 3/24/2019 Who doesn't love a cruise? There is something magical about the open sea, cocktails, lounging and doing it with open-minded people. Cruising is different than other vacations and a lifestyle cruise is even more so.How can we help you make your first experience extraordinary? Here are a few tips from Lady Suzanne: First, h...
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  12924 Hits

Fun Facts about the Cannes Film Festival

Top most interesting Cannes facts:  ​ The mysterious and iconic Man in the Iron Mask spent 11 years of his isolated life on the island belonging to the commune of Cannes, Just a 15-minute ferry ride from the main city The main objective of the Cannes Film Festival has always been attracting public attention to the works of French and internati...
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  5466 Hits

World Exotic Travel 2018 – Our Year in Review

World Exotic Travel is born! As of April 1st, 2018 , World Exotic Travel has taken over Dream Pleasure Tours. We wanted to ensure that you got the same great service that you had been accustomed to and have worked hard to make sure that your transition to World Exotic Travel was seamless. Many of you will recognize some of the names ...
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  6881 Hits

Lady Suzanne tells World Exotic Travel how to give the right Holiday Gifts

Lady Suzanne tells World Exotic Travel how to give the right Holiday Gifts By: Lady Suzanne Are you a couple with a good sense of humor or just love to prioritize your romance? It can be more fun to give than receive, but if you give the right gift … you will receive. Here are some Christmas gift ideas from your friends at World Exotic Travel that ...
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  4498 Hits

I Went To A Clothing-Optional Resort With My Partner & I Felt Closer To Him Than Ever Before. (NSFW)

A few months ago, I received an invitation to write a piece on the travel trend of clothing-optional resorts by going to three with my partner: Desire Riviera Maya Pearl Resort, Desire Riviera Maya Resort, and Temptation Cancun Resort in Mexico. I know, I have the best job ever. Naturally, I emailed the PR rep back with a "yes" within an hour, and ...
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  7436 Hits

From Hedonism to KinkBNB, Sex-Themed Vacations Are Going Mainstream (NSFW)

Aside from an occasional towel, you'll be hard pressed to find a stitch of fabric on the hundreds of people lounging in and by the pool at this Jamaican resort. For the most part, people congregate in groups in the water or the swim-up bar, chit-chatting and swapping stories as any vacationers might, though perhaps with a bit more revelry and boist...
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  6707 Hits

Sex Experts Share Their Top Sex Resolutions for 2018

As 2018 fast approaches, it's impossible to avoid the mandatory talk of resolutions. Sure, the new year marks a time for new beginnings, but the "fix it" mentality can seem ... kind of overwhelming, am I right? This is especially true for people like me who don't like a lot of rules. While there's an obvious upside to making healthier choices (thin...
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  4176 Hits

You're Not Really A Couple Until You Have These 17 Different Types Of Sex

1. Drunk sex Early in a relationship, it's typical to get tipsy and/or flat-out wasted before getting naked together. Alcohol eases our inhibitions and makes the process of learning someone else's body slightly less intimidating. If booze helps you figure out how to turn your partner on and get them off, so be it! 2. Hungover sex Whether you were b...
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  4630 Hits

What I Learned In My Week With My Husband at a Nudist Swingers resort was definitely worth it.

As a mom with three kids under the age of 10, I feel like the word "no" has become my default answer to everything , whether to my kids (no , you can't have candy for breakfast!) or to myself ( no, that bikini is not for you) or to my husband ( no , not tonight, honey — I'm too tired, I have to get up too early, I have too much work to do...) — no,...
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  8659 Hits

6 Signs That You Are Having Great Sex

What makes sex great? Well, that can be a bit different for everyone. One person's "Yum!" can be another person's "Yuck!" However, there are things that definitely mean you are having great sex. I've put together this list of 6 sure fire signs that the sex you are having is off the charts. Sign #1 - You Can Ask for What You Want Sometimes you ...
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  4463 Hits

A 7-Step Beginner's Guide To Swinging (Because You're Curious)

Having sex with other couples can be really hot IF you're all on the same page. The swing lifestyle is nothing new. The concept of swingers and swinging has been around for years. The only difference is that people have started talking about it more openly. If you and your honey would like to get a little kinky and experiment with this sexual adven...
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  6110 Hits

Why You Should Travel With Your Significant Other ASAP

Truth: There's nothing better than the honeymoon phase of a relationship. Everything is new. It's all a great, mysterious adventure. Every joke he tells is adorable. The way she cuts her chicken wings with a knife and fork is just so damn precious. No one goes to the bathroom. Ever. It's just a f***ing dream... ...until it's not. Six months in his ...
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  5365 Hits

The 13 Most Irritating Things About Cruise Ships BUT are the best thing about Lifestyle Cruises

Undoubtedly, heading out on a cruise is one of the best ways in which to enjoy a vacation. However, one would be lying to his or herself if they were to say that cruising is without its annoyances. Like it or not, there are just some things about heading out on a cruise ship that can get under the skin of even the most veteran of cruisers. If you'v...
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  4702 Hits

Have Sex Toys, Will Travel: How to Take Them On Your Next Trip

Traveling with sex toys? Take precautions to avoid an embarrassing airport scene. You may lock your luggage when you travel, but rest assured that what's in there isn't entirely private. Just ask Jill Filopovic , a blogger at Feministe. In 2011, she took a flight and packed her vibrator in a checked bag - only to open it and find a note from a TSA ...
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  4377 Hits

7 ways traveling makes you sexy

1. It creates confidence. I don't need to tell anyone that confidence makes you sexy, so I'll just skip to the creating confidence part that is sometimes a problem. When you travel, especially alone, you learn to be independent and in charge. You feel accomplished and proud that you've traveled somewhere, and all of that comes together to create a ...
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  3873 Hits

How to Start Swinging with your Partner

Interested in knowing more about swinging and the swingers lifestyle? Find out about the different types of couple swinging and everything else that you should know about how to start swinging with your partner. Do couples actually swing in real life? Why do couples swing in the first place? As complex as our anatomical set up and mind, our nature,...
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  4898 Hits

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