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Rules You Didn't Know Were in Place for Swingers

To most "squares," the idea of a swingers party elicits visions of a cramped room full of writhing, sweat-soaked bodies; people uninhibited by "traditional" sexual protocols. But, in reality, a sex party is a finely orchestrated get-together that not only requires a good bit of planning, but quite a few rules too. When you're dealing with a large g...
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  7345 Hits

Why Every Woman Should Do A Nude Photoshoot

Nude photoshoots are getting more popular than ever before, and it's really no surprise. In the times of nude selfies, sexting, and Instagram modeling, being naked has never been more glamorous or more appreciated. The problem with nude photos is that most people think that they are something that only the super thin, youthful, and glitzy models of...
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  6390 Hits

13 People Reveal What It's Really Like To Be A Swinger

What's it like being a swinger? How do they handle other people sleeping with their significant other? Do they feel turned on, insecure or downright jealous? We turned to Reddit to look for these answers and what we found was an entire community of swingers, all of whom were more than happy to disclose the many secrets of their lifestyle. Here, we ...
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  5575 Hits

How Sex Toys Can Help You Play Nice With a Partner

Picture it: You're with a partner, it's late at night and things are getting pretty hot. You're kissing, you're touching, you're sizing each other up for the next move. So you decide to make one: You reach under the bed and pull out ... your favorite sex toy. Now here's where things get interesting. Because while some people (both men and women) wi...
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  4014 Hits

7 Myths About Women and Masturbation It's Time to Unlearn Right Now

"I think I masturbate more when I'm stressed." "You masturbate?" This conversation I had with a male friend embodies the surprise a lot of people express when they find out I not only masturbate but also admit it unabashedly. Because even though this friend and I talked about sex all the time and he knew I was sexually active in my relationships, t...
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