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A Swinging Relationship Can Be Healthy For You, if You “Follow the Rules”

I hope everyone is on track to crushing your goals for 2016! When I first heard the term "swingers," it was on a talk show and I thought it was a crazy concept, like you might as you are reading this. However, before bashing swingers, listen to how it could benefit some of you. Swingers are couples or singles who choose to have an open relationship...
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  5673 Hits

Study: Swingers Have Better Sex

Study: Swingers Have Better Sex by Katie Herzog  of thestranger.com  • Mar 28, 2018 Social deviant and non-monogamy cheerleader Dan Savage is popping champagne and throwing glitter around the office after the release of a new study that shows he's been right all along. The study, published last week in the Journal of Social and Personal R...
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  8048 Hits

Casual Sex at Our Age?

Let's talk about casual sex - that thing that good girls and old ladies don't do. It's just …. bad, sinful, and filled with emotionally fraught! I started to think about this when I made a list of 60 things I want to do, which includes casual sex, in this year following my 60th birthday. So, what's wrong with casual sex? Regardless of our "older" a...
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  5083 Hits

How to Train a Hotwife

When I wrote my semi-ranty piece about Hotwife Training earlier this year, I had completely underestimated the earnest desire of men who wanted to get their partners interested in Hotwifing. I initially assumed these husbands were solely motivated by their own sexual proclivities but as I discovered more about the lifestyle, I've come to understand...
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  34126 Hits

Sex Experts Share Their Top Sex Resolutions for 2018

As 2018 fast approaches, it's impossible to avoid the mandatory talk of resolutions. Sure, the new year marks a time for new beginnings, but the "fix it" mentality can seem ... kind of overwhelming, am I right? This is especially true for people like me who don't like a lot of rules. While there's an obvious upside to making healthier choices (thin...
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  4075 Hits

13 People Reveal What It's Really Like To Be A Swinger

What's it like being a swinger? How do they handle other people sleeping with their significant other? Do they feel turned on, insecure or downright jealous? We turned to Reddit to look for these answers and what we found was an entire community of swingers, all of whom were more than happy to disclose the many secrets of their lifestyle. Here, we ...
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  5502 Hits


So, you finally realized everything you knew about being a swinger was a complete lie. You're welcome. And maybe after reading that story, you and your partner were like: "Well, since it's not all old people with robes, watching you with somebody else might be kind of exciting..." Or maybe not. But either way, if you're even remotely considering ge...
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  4015 Hits

What I Learned In My Week With My Husband at a Nudist Swingers resort was definitely worth it.

As a mom with three kids under the age of 10, I feel like the word "no" has become my default answer to everything , whether to my kids (no , you can't have candy for breakfast!) or to myself ( no, that bikini is not for you) or to my husband ( no , not tonight, honey — I'm too tired, I have to get up too early, I have too much work to do...) — no,...
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  8487 Hits

A 7-Step Beginner's Guide To Swinging (Because You're Curious)

Having sex with other couples can be really hot IF you're all on the same page. The swing lifestyle is nothing new. The concept of swingers and swinging has been around for years. The only difference is that people have started talking about it more openly. If you and your honey would like to get a little kinky and experiment with this sexual adven...
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  5962 Hits

What It's Really Like Inside a Party for Swingers (and Other Tales From People in Open Relationships)

No matter what you call it — an open relationship, swinging, polyamory — one thing is definitely certain: Non-monogamous relationships are a very complex subject and no two couples are the same. But regardless of the specifics of the arrangement, communication and consent are vital, and it's important to discuss your limits , and to know your partn...
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  5451 Hits

Swinging for a Healthy Relationship

If you have a healthy relationship, swinging can provide numerous benefits when approached properly. It's a consciously adopted lifestyle that requires education, communication, patience , and understanding – qualities required for any successful relationship. Swinging is not for everyone, but for some couples , it's a welcome addition that spices ...
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  4773 Hits

How I Became a Swinger

We've been swingers, or "in the swing lifestyle," as it's called, for six years. I'm a middle-aged, heterosexual female in a long-term, committed relationship with a middle-aged, heterosexual male. Yes, we are in a committed relationship and openly enjoying sex with people outside of our relationship. And, no, there's no jealousy or drama. The diff...
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  4241 Hits

The 13 Most Irritating Things About Cruise Ships BUT are the best thing about Lifestyle Cruises

Undoubtedly, heading out on a cruise is one of the best ways in which to enjoy a vacation. However, one would be lying to his or herself if they were to say that cruising is without its annoyances. Like it or not, there are just some things about heading out on a cruise ship that can get under the skin of even the most veteran of cruisers. If you'v...
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  4569 Hits

Isn't Swinging Just Cheating?

Some say money is the root of all evil; I say it's infidelity. Cheating on your significant other is the worst thing you can do to them in my book. It's dishonest, sneaky, disloyal, and just plain selfish. If you are a frequent reader of my writing, you may be asking right now, " Wait a second, don't you swing?" Yes, I am in the swinging lifestyle,...
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  4735 Hits

When Your Partner Sleeps With Someone Else - And It Makes You Happy

Last fall I had dinner with someone who, up until that point, I had only known online. We swapped details and I noticed how her face lit up when she spoke of her partner. She was clearly madly in love and blissfully happy. A few minutes later, as she was talking about an upcoming trip to visit another partner, I felt an urge to ask how that worked ...
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  4041 Hits

Open Relationships: Can Sex With Others Bring You Together?

Every gal would like to have her cake and eat it too, but is that really possible within the confines of a committed relationship? Some couples think so and, as a result, appear to live quite happily with each other while still having sex with other people. While hard-and-fast statistics about open relationships are hard to come by, some experts es...
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  3630 Hits

Make Sure Your Partner Speaks Your Nonmonogamy Language

Have you noticed there seems to be a lot more talk about nonmonogamy these days? There's been an steady rise in the number of people who identify as polyamorous over the last decade. More and more people are exploring options other than monogamy. But what does this mean for each of us? Tristan Taormino's Opening Up reminds us that there are "many w...
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  3931 Hits

12 Getting Ready Tips for Guys Going Out for a Date

JC's TIP: If you are headed out to a lifestyle club you should treat it as date night, not only with your partner but potential hookups at the club as well.  You're about to go out on a date. You've showered, shaved and picked the perfect outfit. But is that all you really need to do, to wow your date? Men are inherently confident when it come...
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  3382 Hits

Magic Fingers: The Sexual Art of Using Your Fingers

Giving an orgasm with one's fingers may seem like the easiest way to get someone off, but there's more to it than pushing someone's button, literally. At this point, everybody is probably aware that the concept of sex – not the just act itself – is not limited to just putting certain body parts in a hole and wishing for a climax. No. Sex has numero...
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  5046 Hits

Top 50 Kinky Ideas for a Sexy Relationship

Looking for ways to kink up your love with a few naughty tricks? Here's 50 of the sexiest kinky ideas and kinky-er ideas for a sexy relationship. Lust is fickle. You could enjoy the best sex of your life this month.And the very next month, you may find yourself bored with the to and fro motion. Sex is always exciting and frisky at the start of a ne...
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  10467 Hits

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