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Study: Swingers Have Better Sex

Study: Swingers Have Better Sex by Katie Herzog  of thestranger.com  • Mar 28, 2018 Social deviant and non-monogamy cheerleader Dan Savage is popping champagne and throwing glitter around the office after the release of a new study that shows he's been right all along. The study, published last week in the Journal of Social and Personal R...
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Open Relationships: Can Sex With Others Bring You Together?

Every gal would like to have her cake and eat it too, but is that really possible within the confines of a committed relationship? Some couples think so and, as a result, appear to live quite happily with each other while still having sex with other people. While hard-and-fast statistics about open relationships are hard to come by, some experts es...
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Hey, Guess What? Monogamous and Polyamorous Couples Are Equally Happy

When's the last time you saw a TV show or movie present a functional, happy consensual non-monogamous (or polyamorous) relationship? I must say, I can count the number of these relationships on one hand. Popular media, self-help, pop-psych writing, and even scientific research has held a monogamous bias for a very, very long time. According to a re...
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