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Long-married couple wonders if being 'swingers' is for them

DEAR ABBY: My wife and I have been married for years. We married young, and I'm the only man she has been with. Although we seem to have a good sex life, she's now saying she wants more. She wants to experiment and is suggesting we try a "swinging" lifestyle — a threesome or foursome — swapping partners. I think she wants to experience a stronger, ...
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  4205 Hits

Swingers and nudists set to bask in Belizean sun and waters

In the midst of glowing reviews of several Belizean resorts recently awarded by renowned travel site, Trip Advisor, the country is also receiving international exposure for two week-long swingers' parties set to be hosted on a private island off the coast of Dangriga. The UK's Daily Sun, this week, reported that a US- based travel agency, Dream Ple...
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  7516 Hits

From Hedonism to KinkBNB, Sex-Themed Vacations Are Going Mainstream (NSFW)

Aside from an occasional towel, you'll be hard pressed to find a stitch of fabric on the hundreds of people lounging in and by the pool at this Jamaican resort. For the most part, people congregate in groups in the water or the swim-up bar, chit-chatting and swapping stories as any vacationers might, though perhaps with a bit more revelry and boist...
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  6716 Hits

5 Awesome Things We Learned About Sex in 2017

The more of it I read, the more I am fascinated with sex research. It takes courage to be a sex researcher: you need to convince people to participate - and convince funding agencies to help pay for it all. Because sex is still such a big taboo, both these things are more difficult than it seems. I'm fairly lucky to live in Canada, where sex resear...
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  4047 Hits

Sex Experts Share Their Top Sex Resolutions for 2018

As 2018 fast approaches, it's impossible to avoid the mandatory talk of resolutions. Sure, the new year marks a time for new beginnings, but the "fix it" mentality can seem ... kind of overwhelming, am I right? This is especially true for people like me who don't like a lot of rules. While there's an obvious upside to making healthier choices (thin...
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  4187 Hits


  MARRIOTT HOTEL SUED  12/28/2017 12:20 AM PST Marriott Hotel Sued for Kicking Out Woman Who Booked Room on Swingers' Floor Can't say we've heard this before -- a woman is suing Marriott for allegedly kicking her out of one of their hotels 'cause she was a non-swinger on a swingers' floor ... yup. Hale Lewis says she booked a 3-day stay a...
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  3429 Hits

For Better Orgasms, Flex This Muscle

We all know that staying in shape keeps us healthy and predicates good sex in a number of ways - you look sexy, you feel happier, etc. But what about toning your body from the inside? As it turns out, women especially have some important sexual muscles they should be flexing if they want a healthy sex life. In 1952, Dr. Arnold Kegel invented a seri...
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  4161 Hits

A (Brief) History of Sex on the Internet

"Would you like to play Cupid?" read the job post. Completely unqualified, I landed a job co-managing a 10-page section of the Philadelphia Weekly and more than 500 singles. From a cubicle high above Rittenhouse Square, I had a blast fielding snail mail and hard copy photos from a sea of self-declared Tom Cruise wannabes and Sharon Stone look-alike...
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  3469 Hits

The Future of Sex: 4 Things We Are Likely to See (Along With Robots)

There will be sex with robots. There, I said it. If we're going to talk about the future of sex, we may as well get that out of the way right up front. But while robot sex is certainly a very sensational aspect of what the future of sex might look like, the thing that most people don't realize is that there's so much more to sex tech (yes, it's a t...
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  3688 Hits

What A Decade Of Data From Pornhub Reveals About Our Sexual Interests

This year, Pornhub celebrated its tenth birthday. To commemorate the occasion, they released some fascinating data on trends in users' viewing habits. Among other things, over 10 million videos have been posted on the site to date. Also, Pornhub now receives 75 million (!) visitors per day, and the average user spends about 10 minutes there per vis...
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  3658 Hits

How I Became a Swinger

We've been swingers, or "in the swing lifestyle," as it's called, for six years. I'm a middle-aged, heterosexual female in a long-term, committed relationship with a middle-aged, heterosexual male. Yes, we are in a committed relationship and openly enjoying sex with people outside of our relationship. And, no, there's no jealousy or drama. The diff...
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  4369 Hits

Are you Over 50 and Having Sex? You Should Be

In her article Why We Should All Be Talking About Sex A Lot More Often, sex educator Kate McCombs interviewed other sex educators to get their take on the importance of talking about sex. Linda Kirkman's response reflects the reasons I think encouraging older women to talk about sex is important: "to normalize talking about sex and sexuality, to re...
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  4098 Hits

Group Sex Etiquette 101

It's normal to feel both exhilarated and nervous at your first swingers' party or orgy. Group sex shatters a lot of our norms and expectations around sex, so it's easy to get lost in thoughts of "how is it going to go?" To make your experience more fun and less worrisome, I've compiled a few basic etiquette rules surrounding group sex that you shou...
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  4459 Hits

Don't Let Self-Consciousness about Your Aging Body Keep You From Having Great Sex

"The most common sexual concerns of women of all ages include loss of sexual desire, problems with arousal, inability to achieve orgasm, painful intercourse, negative body image, and diminished sexual desirability and attractiveness." Sexual Function in Elderly Women: A Review of Current Literature, archives of National Institutes of Healtfh . We a...
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  3537 Hits

6 Not-So-Sexy Things That Lead to Better Sex

One of the secrets of a better sex life is having more sex. (Practice makes perfect!) Yet, aside from this obvious wisdom, is there anything not sexy that you can do that actually improves your sex life? Sure. Plenty. Here are a few suggestions. Get Therapy Particularly for long-term couples, therapy has plenty of benefits. Talk therapy can help to...
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  3366 Hits

The 13 Most Irritating Things About Cruise Ships BUT are the best thing about Lifestyle Cruises

Undoubtedly, heading out on a cruise is one of the best ways in which to enjoy a vacation. However, one would be lying to his or herself if they were to say that cruising is without its annoyances. Like it or not, there are just some things about heading out on a cruise ship that can get under the skin of even the most veteran of cruisers. If you'v...
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  4709 Hits

What I Learned from My Mom's Negative View of Sex

Adolescence is a traditionally tricky minefield to navigate for parents. Having "the talk" is the easy part compared to watching your precious little baby blossom into a sexually active teenager. There is no absolute right way to discuss sex, but there are a whole slew of wrong ways that can damage a young person's ability to grow into a sexually h...
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  4998 Hits

When Your Partner Sleeps With Someone Else - And It Makes You Happy

Last fall I had dinner with someone who, up until that point, I had only known online. We swapped details and I noticed how her face lit up when she spoke of her partner. She was clearly madly in love and blissfully happy. A few minutes later, as she was talking about an upcoming trip to visit another partner, I felt an urge to ask how that worked ...
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  4184 Hits

Open Relationships: Can Sex With Others Bring You Together?

Every gal would like to have her cake and eat it too, but is that really possible within the confines of a committed relationship? Some couples think so and, as a result, appear to live quite happily with each other while still having sex with other people. While hard-and-fast statistics about open relationships are hard to come by, some experts es...
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  3789 Hits

Make Sure Your Partner Speaks Your Nonmonogamy Language

Have you noticed there seems to be a lot more talk about nonmonogamy these days? There's been an steady rise in the number of people who identify as polyamorous over the last decade. More and more people are exploring options other than monogamy. But what does this mean for each of us? Tristan Taormino's Opening Up reminds us that there are "many w...
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  4069 Hits

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