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I Married A Swingers Club Owner

I had to come to terms with what I thought was "proper behavior."   What does a traditionally raised Midwest girl have in common with a swinger? More than you would think... a lot more. My introduction to the swinging lifestyle began several years ago after my second divorce. I was slowly coming to terms with being single after decades of marr...
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  5785 Hits

I Went Inside The Secret World Of Suburban Swingers

I wanted to find out what it is about swinging that keeps happily married women in the lifestyle. "I kissed a girl and I liked it..". so go the lyrics of Katy Perry's classic song. And apparently, she's not the only one. Some married women like it, too — a lot. It's what piqued their interest in "the lifestyle" and locked them in for life. The same...
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If you are a newbie going to a swingers club or a meet-up for the first time, you may be wondering what type of questions the other couples that you meet will ask you. Regardless of what you end up talking about with that couple you meet, you can expect to get asked at least a few of these questions. 1. What are you into? The question one couple as...
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  25113 Hits

How I Became a Swinger

We've been swingers, or "in the swing lifestyle," as it's called, for six years. I'm a middle-aged, heterosexual female in a long-term, committed relationship with a middle-aged, heterosexual male. Yes, we are in a committed relationship and openly enjoying sex with people outside of our relationship. And, no, there's no jealousy or drama. The diff...
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