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Asking for It: 7 Tips to Getting the Sex Life You Always Wanted

There are loads of statistics about how women tend not to ask for what they want and need. Not in academic settings, not in the boardroom and, although no one's talking about it, we know this one applies in the bedroom too. Actually, to be fair, research suggests that the vast majority of people undercommunicate when it comes to sex, even in long-t...
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4 Reasons Why You Might Want to Try a Prostate Massage

The so-called male G-spot is allegedly the source of mind-blowing orgasms — but are they good for your health as well? The prostate is a mysterious and oft-misunderstood organ. A walnut-size gland found between a man's bladder and his rectum, the prostate's main function is to produce fluid that is expelled as part of semen during ejaculation; it's...
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