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Truth: There's No Such Thing as a Slut

In this day and age, it amazes me that women are still shamed for being sexual beings. Um, hello?! We're human! We have desires and fantasies and needs, damn it, just like men! So how is it that we're living in a society where women have fought for the right to vote, for equality in the workplace, and for the freedom of choice when it comes to our ...
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No, Sex Addiction Doesn't Exist. Here's What It Really Is.

Have you ever thought that you or someone you know may be addicted to sex? Maybe it's because you or they watch too much pornography ("too much" according to whom, though?) or you or they seem to have problems saying no to an offer of sex when it comes along, even from strangers (slut shaming anyone?) Sex addiction is a common diagnosis for all kin...
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