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The Science of Exhibitionism

Exhibitionists get a bad rap. Sure, there's a subset of people who have a compulsion to expose themselves to strangers at really inappropriate times - on a subway, on the freeway, in the grocery store - when the stranger is not at all interested in seeing their junk. However, there are many other people who simply get a thrill out of revealing part...

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You've probably heard that variety is the spice of life. Well, that doesn't just apply to food and weekend excursions; it also applies to sex. Because let's face it, pumping away at the same repetitive missionary moves can dampen the flame of passion. To keep things hot and heavy, couples need to keep things interesting. So forget plain vanilla - s...

Facts about sex toys...well, here's one for you: The sex toy industry is worth about $15 billion per year worldwide. That's a lot of dildos, people. But while statistics show that more than half of Americans have used a sex toy and you can now find them in many drugstores, pleasure products still aren't quite mainstream. Depending on your audience,...

How long can you stay naked without feeling uncomfortable? Most of us are not comfortable with our own bodies and thus, do not like sleeping naked. But it is a scientifically proven fact that sleeping naked has its benefits. If you are sleeping without clothes, you are bound to have better sleep and lower levels of stress. Here are 7 amazing benefi...

JC's Tip: I love this article! A lot of these tips you can do at Hedonism or the Desires.  I t's exhibitionist's season! The sizzling heat, beautiful weather, and long summer nights are all perfect reasons to let your inner exhibitionist loose and have some sexy outdoor fun! Sex on the Beach Not only is it my favorite alcoholic beverage, but i...

Are you a woman? Do you have sex? If you answered "yes" to these two questions, then someone, somewhere, thinks you are a slut . According to the Oxford English Dictionary, a slut is "a slovenly or promiscuous ." Of course, it's a derogatory word. It's meant to be an insult: "You're a woman who's having lots of sex! You're dirty and a terrible pers...

I consider myself very lucky. At the other end of a phone line, whenever I want or need, is my Grandmother; all 95 years and counting of her. Full of spunk and sass, she's the type that will help wheel people 20 years younger than her down to the dinner hall of their home and, if the need arises, she'll have also shucked the corn they have for dinn...

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