I was perpetually exhausted, and my libido was shot. There is nothing sexy about being home with your kids all day, every day; changing diapers, whipping out your boobs on a regular basis for feeding small, dependent humans. The day is filled with cleaning, feeding, micromanaging and, let's be honest, most of those early years are spent trying to make sure your children don't off themselves by accident.
Those years were some of the toughest I have ever experienced. I wanted to do better, but I literally had nothing left to give at the end of every day, least of all sex.
Fast Forward to 40
Five nearly sexless years passed. I'm not proud of it. In fact, it's a time I still harbor guilt and confusion around. Then, all of a sudden, my sex drive was back - with a vengeance. No more sex once a month or every six weeks. We had sex three times a day for weeks at a time. We got adventurous and began to experiment with bondage, anal
It's a Biological Drive
So why the sudden shift from the sexual doldrums to rock star status? Well, I can't say for sure, but researchers at the University of Texas believe it may have to do with how we evolved. In the past, women tended to lose many of their children in childbirth or, later, to disease, starvation or warfare. As a result, couples tried to have as many children as possible. The late surge in sex drive among women could be due to approaching menopause; our bodies sense that it has become harder to get pregnant and that we are running out of time as far as our ability to conceive. In response, women may actively seek out more sex.
That's just a theory, of course, but one thing we know for sure is that perimenopause brings with it a change in your estrogen levels. As your estrogen level begins to drop, your testosterone level remains unchanged. That higher testosterone-to-estrogen ratio may lead to a higher sex drive.
Whatever the reason, it happened to me, and it has been fabulous. The only downside to reaching 40 is, in my opinion, a vaginal dryness that seems to be present more often than not. It's nothing that a little (or a lot) of lube can't fix. Besides, you will need lube for all of your new toys!
There are other reasons why sex gets better with age. Being in your forties comes with what I like to refer to as the "no bullshit" approach to life. Your twenties were (hopefully) spent doing a lot of self-discovery,
You may be married. You may be single. You may be divorced. You may be widowed. Whatever your life circumstance, embrace who you are because who you are is absolutely good enough, sexy enough, and perhaps even kinky enough.
You are worth it. Enjoy all that you have to offer and all that is offered to you.
Because this is it. This is your life. So, go and get naked, go have amazing sex, and enjoy every single minute of it.
SOURCE: Kinkly.com/ Amy Moreno