"Besides going gray as you get older, can pubic hair change color?"
Just like the hair on your head probably will go gray eventually, the hair on your private parts will go gray eventually. Think of that Sex and the City episode where Samantha finds her first gray pube — it's real! Leah Millheiser, an ob-gyn
"Is there an evolutionary reason why we have pubic hair?"
While there are only theories as to why pubes exist, the most common one is that it most likely developed to "protect the genitals against friction during sexual intercourse," according to Dr. Millheiser. Another popular theory, referenced by Dr. Millheiser, is that it signaled to potential mates that someone had gone through puberty and was able to reproduce. A third ~flirty~ (and widely held) theory for the existence of pubes, and perhaps an argument against going bare, is that pubes act as a "scent trap" for pheromones in the genital area that could help attract a sexual partner. Think of it as a sexy musk totally unique to you.
"How do I shave without getting irritated? I feel like I've tried everything but I still have really bad razor bumps."
The skin in your pubic area is extra sensitive, and the hair is a bit coarser than other body hair. The combination of those two facts can mean shaving there gets a bit dicey. Joshua Zeichner, a dermatologist in New York City, advised the best time to shave your pubic hair is in the shower, but not right after you get in — wait a while. "The humidity and warmth of the water
Equally important is how you take care of the skin after shaving. "Razor burn is essentially inflammation of the skin from shaving," Dr. Zeichner said. Aftershave lotions or high-quality moisturizers with petrolatum as an ingredient should do the trick, and Dr. Zeichner recommended Vaseline Intensive Care Advanced Repair lotion, which is unscented and safe to use near your bikini line. Just don't get it in your actual vagina.
"Why is
If your pubic hair has that thick texture you wish the hair on top of your head had, you're not alone. And if you think it's unfair that you only have to get a haircut once every few months but trim your pubes weekly, you're not alone in that either. Dr. Millheiser said pubic hair tends to be thicker because it's meant to "protect humans against the friction that occurs during sex." It's like a nice little buffer.
"Is it sanitary to use the same razor for my legs and pubic hair?"
Razor blades are expensive AF — but unfortunately, both Dr. Zeichner and Dr. Millheiser said it's best to have two separate razors. "Due to the texture of pubic hair, a shaper blade is required to remove the hair," she said. If you're using the same razor for your legs and pubic hair, it'll get duller much faster because you're using it more. Dr. Zeichner added that you should really only use the same razor if you can be sure there are no nicks or cuts in the skin, which can be hard to do because some nicks or cuts might be too small to see. A separate razor is best for removing pubic hair, and
"Why do I get ingrown hairs?"
According to Dr. Zeichner, ingrown hairs happen when the free edge of a hair gets trapped back into the skin. The risk for this is higher if
"How often do other people wax or shave their pubic hair?"
Dr. Millheiser said this is widely variable from person to person, and largely depends on personal preference,
"Is it OK to be bare, or do you need pubic hair?"
Again, pubes are likely there for a reason — to protect against friction caused by sex and provide a barrier against bacteria. Dr. Millheiser said it's perfectly OK to be bare, but shaving or waxing may put women in particular at risk of bacterial infections or STIs because of small tears in the skin that allow for
SOURCE: cosmopolitan.com